


Attachment can be a nasty thing. Iosif Andriasov said: “Any attachment makes a person limited and foolish.” When you are attached to anything, you will be shortsighted and easily manipulated. For instance, if you fervently believe in one narrative, no matter the subject, you can lose sight of the objective reality and perceive things as a servant. Adaptability helps you detach from your rigid opinions. With this quality you will be able to, depending on old and new information, solve many problems that the world will give. If you become a sheeple, sadly, then you will be told what and how to think. Once this happens, you are replaceable as a human being.

Replace You With Robots.

The globalists are trying to replace you with robots. They are trying to do this by getting you attached to something, whatever the product or subject it is, and make you sedated into submission. There are so many examples in life how distraction can make your life horrific. It starts with an attachment. I used to watch and play hockey. I had a fantasy way of thinking before. When you love something, you try to learn everything you can about it. I studied every player, how and where he played. I now realize that these individuals are used to attach you to their field. Business as usual. In the end, they distract you from the reality of YOUR life.

self improvement

Entertainers Peddle An Ideology.

When you start to see that every entertainer, no matter what profession it is, whether a hockey player or politician, is a tool for the globalists to peddle an ideology, then you will not have a false sense of fantasy. These people are there on the screen to make you less intelligent, bringing anger, elation, or depression. They do not serve a positive purpose. You CAN learn from whatever you watch or do, of course, but it has to be done as an objective observer, without attachment. Otherwise, on top of your time being sucked away, your energy is being used for a useless game, instead of your own goals or self improvement. Sadly, we watch sports with a certain team in mind. And we are even able to become angry when the other team wins or super happy when our team wins. But in the end, YOU did not win anything. You just wasted 3 hours of your valuable time, a day, usually, just to watch other people make money from their performance, or even more ridiculous, those that are not even participating, like the owners, are making even more money than the athletes.

How It Works.

The fan, who is attached to the sport or show, will spend his or her money and time to keep the business running; the performer, who does all the work will make a certain salary, which they will inevitably lose, because they are not taught how to save and spend money; and then the owners will make money without physically doing anything at all; and then the globalist wimps will not only make money on top of the owners, but actually beat humanity by wasting their time and keeping them sedated. During this kind of period, you will not be awake to see how the globalists are running the show. You will listen to what their paid shill servants say and will not question them. By becoming objective and unattached, you are able to figure out when things are done to harm your life. Do not be attached to what you learned, because almost all of it is propaganda to enslave you even more than you already are.

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