You Must Not Quit

You must not quit.

In life, there will be moments of pain and suffering. You might think that many obstacles seem to come your way. It is true! But, there is only one way to deal with these horrible predicaments. Forge Ahead. You must not quit.

People must rejoice when a battle comes your way. This moment in life becomes your true test of will and strength. Everything looks good when things run smoothly, but the real person will fight through adversity to achieve insurmountable things in hard times. Do it everyday, consistently, unwavering to the laziness within us.

Complacency breeds mediocrity. You must not quit your passion based on other’s negative morality. You can take your time to figure out the path. But once you have found this road, go at it with full might. I have been led astray many times based on others. While it might have seemed to others that I lost myself, little did they know that during this time I found ways to continue my passion by helping others. None of this time was wasted.

Pain and suffering will make most people stop. We hurt when the word “No” is heard out loud. But, at the right moment, a sudden voice appears inside one’s brain and says: “You might be saying no in your life, but I will forge ahead and not break down.” Your goal will constantly be stopped or prevented by anyone that will not understand. Life snatches your hopes and dreams and tries to leave you broken. But, you must twist life’s suffering and make them work for you. Know that without pain, you can not achieve in this life.

Shock can distort your life, losing sight of the overall picture within you. Loss can destroy your life, pulling the rug right in front of you. What to do when this situation happens? You must not quit! You have many ideas to set forth for others. Your inspiration should be the many generations that were before you, pushing through everything they could to let you breathe air on this Earth. They went through too much for you to give up.

You cry about the shock…you shake because of the pain. You might not eat for several weeks, you might see life as hopeless and unnecessary. Those fake ideas are just testing your will. They infiltrate the mind to mess you up and either hurt others or yourself. You must not quit even more during this time, because this is just a basic test. How far can you go through? What obstacles will be added to destroy your motivation and drive? Do not let anyone ruin your will. Through pain and suffering, those who are worthy will stay. You can not quit based on life’s unfairness. You must plug away and win from within and show that unstoppable force!