Stock News

Stocks News

Stock News.

Stock News is a place to read the current events concerning the stock market. Relevant information concerning companies like Apple and other vital gems encompass the stock news.

  • AEO Maintained at Market Perform by Telsey Advisory Group.

Dana Telsey, an analyst with Telsey Advisory Group, maintained a Market Perform rating on shares of American Eagle Outfitters Inc (NYSE:AEO) but reduced her price objective for the stock from $17 to $15. Given the difficulties facing merchants and customers as a result of ongoing macro pressures, Telsey revised their predictions downward.

  • Abercrombie & Fitch Rating Score.

The Abercrombie & Fitch Company was given a Sentiment Score of Very Bearish by InvestorsObserver. Abercrombie & Fitch, though, also received an average recommendation from analysts of Strong Buy, and its price objective was set at $23.71.

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